Posted By Alan Donald @ Feb 21st 2016 5:21pm In: Taxes

How to Estimate Property Taxes for New Construction Homes

Calculating Property TaxesThe current property tax paid on new construction homes is not an accurate estimate of what a buyer will end up paying, since the tax amount that appears on the public record is just for the LAND, without the improvements

Once a county issues the Certificate of Occupancy and registers the Deed in the buyer's name, they know there what improvements were built on that particular lot, and the assessed value will now be re-assessed to the purchase price for property tax assessment.

If you are or are thinking of building a new home, and are interested in ESTIMATING how much property tax you will pay in your second year, visit this link (Charleston, Dorchester and Berkeley counties only):

Call us on 843-900-0155 to schedule a FREE New Home Construction Consultation!

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