Posted By Alan Donald @ Feb 1st 2021 2:00pm In: Charleston

Boeing 787 Avianca

Boeing to Create 100% Sustainably Fueled Jets by 2030

Have you ever heard of a commercial plane that can be flown using 100% sustainable fuel? The answer is probably not. That is because the Boeing ecoDemonstrator flight-test program, in partnership with FedEx, has recently created a 777 freighter as the world's first commercial airplane to use 100% sustainable aviation fuel. In a recent news release, Boeing stated that it pledges to create commercial airplanes that can fly 100% off of sustainable fuel by 2030. If Boeing accomplishes this goal, it will help reach the nationwide industry goal, set by the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Act, of reducing carbon emissions by 50% by 2050. President and CEO of Boeing, Stan Deal, mentioned that Boeing is dedicated to this goal and will work with regulators, engine companies, and other key stakeholders to certify that these new airplanes can fly using 100% sustainable fuel. Currently, sustainable fuels are mixed 50/50 with conventional jet fuel. The U.S. Department of Energy has found that 100% sustainable fuel can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 80% over its life cycle! Read More Here...

Charleston Area Chosen by the SBA for New Women's Business Center 

The Charleston area is soon to be part of the largest expansion to-date of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), as it will become home to one of 20 new Women's Business Centers opening across the U.S. The SBA has chosen Increasing H.O.P.E, a North Charleston non-profit that calls itself a "one-stop-shop for financial training", to launch the program here. This news could not have come at a better time for Dorothea Bernique, Executive Director of Increasing H.O.P.E, as this can now coincide with its opening of The Opportunity Center, a facility that will serve to assist under-represented entrepreneurs in the Charleston area as well as house offices of some local non-profits. The building will also become home to a career training facility, a business incubator, and now the SBA-affiliated Women's Business Center. The Women's Business Center will have services in place to help women who are in any stage of their business from just having an idea to full operations. This initiative will provide much needed resources to our female economic drivers, especially those who have been particularly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More Here...

Crab Bank Re-Nourishment Plan to Minimize Shem Creek Shallowing 

In 2020, the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources teamed up with the United States Army Corps of Engineers to help restore the shorebird sanctuary on Crab Bank as part of the larger undertaking to deepen Charleston Harbor. However, the Town Council of Mount Pleasant had concerns with the planned approach as it would involve the movement and placement of 600,000 cubic feet of dredging material that could, in turn, impact nearby Shem Creek. The Town hired a researcher to assess the potential impact of the original plan and, at its January 12th meeting, Council voted unanimously to support an alternate plan to re-nourish Crab Bank and protect Shem Creek. Since the creation of Crab Bank, the sediment has slowly been drifting northward towards Shem Creek, causing many who live and work there to become concerned about the threat of potential shallowing which could adversely affect boaters, business owners, and visitors. The alternate plan proposed and favored by the Council would shift the placement of dredged material further south than in the original plan in order to lessen this potential impact. As of the release of this blog and associated newsletter, the Town and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers continue their discussions, looking for a win-win outcome for both Crab Bank and Shem Creek. Read More Here... 

Pedestrian Path and Bike Lane Improvements Under Review for Folly Road

Plans are under review by Charleston leaders for the construction of new sidewalk and bike lane improvements along Folly Road on James Island. The plans would include extending the existing Ellis Creek Bridge sidewalk all the way to Wilton Street, providing new pedestrian ramps, updated bus stop shelters, and traffic signal poles along the new path. To increase cyclist safety and awareness, the plan also proposes an increased buffer on the road between cars and cyclists as well as more vividly marked bike lanes. If approved, Folly Road would become the first in the Tri-County area with a "NACTO Compliant Green Bike Lane." Read More Here...

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